1) Why? There is no need to remove diagonal buttons. Diagonal buttons are your friend... If you really want you could get rid of them, but they don't HURT you, do they?
2) You COULD replace them. I think that'd void your warranty... But...
3) you might as well just build your own, it's not really any more... and then you can make it more authetic feeling.
Freeze Arrow: A really long green arrow that exists merely to be melted.
Melt: To remove a foot from a freeze arrow without losing your OK.
Pie: 10 foot song... You don't have a better name, do you?
Dance Masters: JPMax Single-Light. USMax Single-Light, Single-Standard. JPMax2 Single-Light.
Onis: USMax Lesson Oni. JPMax2 MoreLight, BeForU,