well lets see.
i started about 4 years ago. my friend had just started playing and said Dude u need to try this new game its f-ing sick. so i was like umm sure. i played it and i was like this is fr ...
lol. ive spent 10 hours at boomers once and played ddr all day it was wierd but my calves didnt hurt at all. then at las vegas i spent like 30$ on ddr O.o what a waste i know but im not 21
ur calves maybe but thats about it i doupt ur knees would hurt i played ddr for about 3 hours straight woke up the next day i could hardly walk but i still went down and played like 5$ worth of ddr.
i think i had 50 once but that was when i was at disney land my latest was about 30 at las vegas. which is where i passed max 300 with 250 combo. they were mouth opened awed it was funny.